It's Scala ;)
They our from our country and the only people who don't know them over here are babies and very very old people. Personally, I think they should break the formula and get some tenors in there, possibly a bass too!
Well I think this song's great. It feels right and it sounds right. The only point of critcism I have, and it's really nothing, is that it could use some (more) percussive elements here and there. But that's just me, I like everything better with drugs. Drums,omg,what am I like! I get a wave like sensation from the melody without the drums though, like you're being lifted and put down ,over and over again until the storm dies out. I really enjoy what you did there.
I wonder what you mean with Playstation 1-esque? Do you mean like it sounds as if it's made with Music 2000? If so I strongly disagree hehe